4 Ways Cosmetic Dentistry Can Make You Look Younger

August 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — villagiodental @ 11:39 am
An older woman looking at herself in the mirror at the dentist's office.

Aging is a natural part of life, but that doesn’t mean you want to look or feel older than your years. Unfortunately, however, if you have any damage or staining on your teeth, it can often make you appear a lot more “mature” than you’d prefer. Thankfully, cosmetic dentistry can help shave years off your appearance and give you back that gorgeous grin you had in your youth. Here are four ways that a smile makeover can make you feel like a kid again!

It Eliminates Stains

Do you drink coffee, red wine, cola, or tea? Are you a smoker or a former smoker? Do your teeth hold the stains of a life well lived? Cosmetic dentistry can help. Removing stains from your teeth with the help of professional whitening can erase years of indulgence, bringing back that younger, whiter smile you had as a teen. In about one hour, your dentist can help you lift up to eight shades of discoloration, revealing a youthful glow that will shave years off your face!

It Rebuilds Your Teeth

Do you have worn or broken teeth? This can not only age you, but it can also make it difficult to eat and speak properly. Plus, when you’re embarrassed by the condition of your teeth, you are more likely to hide your smile and suffer from low self-confidence. Restoring damaged teeth with the help of cosmetic bonding can bring back your youthful smile and self-esteem, and once again allow you to enjoy the foods you love.

It Hides Restorations

Do you have metal fillings that are visible when you open your mouth? These can not only make your teeth look dirty, but they can also make it obvious that you once had cavities a long time ago. That’s because today most fillings are done with tooth-colored composite resin fillings. These durable restorations blend seamlessly into your teeth, so nobody knows if you have them, or how long ago you got them!

It Stops Time

Okay, while veneers can’t really stop time, they sure make it seem like they can! That’s because veneers can cover stains, chips, misshapen teeth, and even minor gaps or spacing issues, all in one durable product. Veneers fit over your teeth and create a whiter, brighter smile, and the results can last up to 20 years with proper brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups. How’s that for a time freeze!

If your smile is making you feel a little too wise beyond your years, don’t despair. Chances are, there’s a cosmetic dentistry procedure to help. If you’d like to learn more about how this innovative branch of oral healthcare can help you, speak to your dentist today about improving your smile!

About Dr. Zaharie

Dr. Adriana Zaharie (affectionately known as “Dr. Z”) loves making her patients smile. Whether she’s providing an exam and cleaning or a cosmetic procedure, she enjoys helping people improve their oral health and regain their confidence.

To schedule an appointment for cosmetic dentistry at Villagio Family & Cosmetic
Dental, please visit our website or call us today at 281-394-4001.

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